This site is not the end-all of Tristan Rogers or Robert Scorpio websites. It is merely an attempt to share interesting facts and trivia regarding Robert Scorpio and the talented actor who has brought him to life, Tristan Rogers. The current offering of videos below reminds us about the romantic side of the Super Spy.

How Many Times Has Robert Died?

There was no way I could put this in a trivia game, because I just don’t know the answer. I’ve thought back and looked at old videos, and to the best of my recollection I have posted my answer below (so don’t look there yet if you are guessing your own answer). Think about it and use the comment button to discuss or correct the list.

How many times has Robert died? 1) In the Asian Quarter story; 2) Sean killed him (thinking RS fell from the Alpine car); 3) At the New Year’s party with Katherine; 4) Shot by Luke’s cousin, Bill (The Cartel story); 5) On the ship in 1992 with Faison and Anna

1 comment:

Dawn D said...

You forgot one. The time he and Anna were supposed to have been blown up in that plane. They then go into hiding with Robin at Olins. All this takes place right before the Mt. Rushmore storyline.

I had them all except Bill Eckert shooting Robert, i'd forgotten about that one.