This site is not the end-all of Tristan Rogers or Robert Scorpio websites. It is merely an attempt to share interesting facts and trivia regarding Robert Scorpio and the talented actor who has brought him to life, Tristan Rogers. The current offering of videos below reminds us about the romantic side of the Super Spy.

My GH Journey

I was one of those who was drawn into General Hospital by the Luke and Laura saga in the 1980’s. But what hooked me was the arrival of that debonair and mysterious spy, Robert Scorpio. I’ll admit that his drop-dead good looks and his velvet voice were the first things that stopped me in my tracks. (All things Australian had been important to me since my childhood, so hearing an Aussie voice was certainly a bonus). However, I must add that his talent, charm, knee-buckling smile, and witty repartee completed the package to the extent that over twenty years later the total package still brings on the proper amount of ooh’s and ahh’s.

At 2 p.m. Monday-Friday you would know where to find me- (unless other circumstances happened, and the VCR came into play) watching Robert and the well written stories of adventure, romance, intricate relationships, and family connections. Then 1992 came and Tristan Rogers and Finola Hughes left the show, in the middle of what had been a charming love story that brought their family back together. I tried to continue watching, but Tristan “had left the building” and the beloved characters and stories were no more.

Eventually General Hospital became a shadow of the past, until I would clean out a closet and there would be my stack of magazines with Robert/Tristan stories. But GH was really over. Then in the summer of 2008, I learned about GH: Night Shift, and things changed. The first time I was able to watch it, there was Robert Scorpio, bright as day. The years melted away, and I was hooked again. There was the same handsome and talented actor supported by brilliant writing. The ride had begun again… until after the thirteenth week, and the ride slammed to a stop. This leaves the lingering questions: Will GH bring Robert and Anna back? Will GH employ writers who know and love these characters like we do? If they return, how long will the ride last this time?

In my opinion, there’s not much good on TV anymore and most movies are boring and lackluster. So as far as that type of entertainment I find YouTube to be far more entertaining, as well as the community and videos on Therefore, just for kicks, I’ve created this site for those who read my post and remember their own connection to their GH days and enjoy thinking about those good times.

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